Layli Rakhsha

Layli Rakhsha is a Perth-based artist born in Iran. Her unique blend of printmaking and photography, often used in her projects, offers a fresh perspective on the idea of home. She delves into the intricate ways a home can be shaped by personal experiences, feelings, social and cultural relationships, and attachments to a specific place.
Alongside her exploration of home and place, Rakhsha's focus on photography and her meticulous refinement of screen-printing techniques serve as powerful tools to express her deep-seated emotions and thoughts about repetition and daily routine, inviting the audience to connect and empathize.

In her current project, Indian Ocean Ceremony, Rakhsha explores the greatness and dignity of human beings and how to visualise the ocean as a path to seeking a home. The project reflects a symbolic relationship between the idea of home, boundaries, and Indian Ocean water.

Rakhsha has been an artist in residence at various institutions and art centres, such as the Vancouver Art Centre, Fremantle Art Centre (FAC), Peth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA), and Perth Centre for Photograph (PCP).

Rakhsha completed her PhD at Curtin University in 2019. She has presented several papers at national and international conferences, and selected papers have been published in academic journals and online.

Rakhsha is currently a sessional lecturer at Curtin College. She lives and works in Perth, Western Australia.