Portfolio > Immensity


Immensity (2021)

Photographs: Analogue photography (pinhole camera and expired medium format films)
70 x 70 cm (print size varies)

In 2012, I bought a pinhole camera, Brownie Cresta Camera from 1955, and a few medium format films at the Camden market in London. For years, I feared using the camera and the films.
Since 2019, I have been experiencing changes that have emotionally impacted my feelings and personality in my life. Walking along Southern Ocean beach in Western Australia and watching the water makes me feel moments of closeness, moments when everything becomes private and intimate. Fear of losing a member of my family and remembering the memories drove me to use the camera.
I decided to explore my fear, distance, and the idea of something unreachable and far but also very close to me.
Using the expired films and the camera that I only needed to press a button to capture a moment, I explored the gap or perhaps a moment between uncertainty and reassurance in my life. I cannot measure the gap or count the moment but imagine its vastness and immensity.
Immensity is the title of this project that I completed during the Traces Seminar that was held in Spain.