Portfolio > Indian ocean ceremony

Indian ocean ceremony (2021- ongoing)
Digital and stencil prints and pencil on paper
30 x 30 cm each

Photography: Robert Frith, Acorn Photo

We keep hearing that many asylum seekers and children are still losing their lives in the Indian Ocean waters while heading to a country far away from their homeland, and there are still political negotiations and concerns about people who put their lives in danger by finding a home in this way. For me, hearing the news about the number of illegal boats and people drowned in the water evokes my feelings and the idea of home. Many questions are raised, and I try to imagine the experiences the people would have had in their journey towards a home.
Indian ocean ceremony reflects a symbolic relationship between the idea of home and the Indian Ocean water. The initial idea of this project began when I looked through binoculars at a boat within a solid boundary and unchangeable circle in the sea. In this project, I explore the dignity of human beings and how to visualise the ocean as a path for seeking a home. Each work reflects an image of Indian Ocean water and handcrafted a name related to a particular attribute to a human being.
I feel that the ocean carries their stories; stories that echo sorrow yet desire for a home.